Wednesday, September 5, 2007


When we lived in Renton Greg and I learned to swim. We took swimming lessons for several years. My first swimming lessons were at the Aqua Barn. It was a “bubble covered” pool at a “riding stable” along the Maple Valley Highway leading out of downtown Renton. We went here with the Cub Scouts one time after my mother gave me a crew cut. This time she had nicked me pretty good on top – like a reverse Mohawk. She said it was because I wouldn’t sit still – and the odd lump I had on my head. Talk about giving your kid a “complex.”

At some point we started talking lessons at Liberty Park Pool in downtown Renton. Today the pool is a skateboard park, and has been that way for many years.

When we moved to SeaTac we started taking lessons at the Highline pool.

My brother completed the Boy Scout “mile swim” badge – “Brinkley” style. Camp Brinkley was the scout camp we went to for several summers. I never even tried the mile swim because of the floating “peat.” If you could imagine water with Canadian “Peat Moss” floating in it you will know what I mean. It was bad enough having peat moss clinging to you when you got out – a shower will solve that – but knowing there were snapping turtles… Ouch!

I don’t know where my father learned to swim, but I know he made the mistake of leaving this picture laying around… Puerto Rico 1954. I think I know what mom saw in dad!

- Craig

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So now we get a pin-up of Duane on the internet. Next we will probably see him on U-tube wooing the Billings Ford dealer's daughter. (Sorry, Jo, but that was just a fleeting flirtation and he waited for you). Craig says he is going to post some hunting stories. I remember my first deer hunting trip. My father did not hunt, so I was really excited when Manfried included my on a muley hunt in the McCullough Peaks. I spent the night at the Edmonds farm, wedged between Dwight and Duane in one bed. Not much sleep, but probably would not have slept much anyway. I was GOING HUNTING! I remember we got two or three muleys, and I think I shot one. At least that's how I want to remember it.

I do remember one trip into Sunlight with Duane when we spotted a nice herd of elk, in easy rifle range, up on Table Mt. Duane and I estimated the distance back to that old green International and agreed it would be a good day to just look at the elk. Duane, were you on that trip when we hunted out of ivan Berryman's cabin, shot a bear, and when we skinned him out he looked just like my uncle Stewart in his long underwear? Last bear (and first) I ever shot. Meat too rich and sweet and could not affort to have the hide tanned. So it was a wasted bear. I was from then on only a meat hunter. Didn't need trophies for an ego transplant.

Jim Elder