Monday, May 19, 2008


On Christmas Day 2007 my dad passed away. It is difficult to lose a loved one, whether it is your parent, a brother, a sister or a child. A family pet passing is also a great loss.

Katrina devastated New Orleans and the gulf coast August 29, 2005. Many people lost their lives. Many more people lost their homes and their livelihoods. Amanda spent a week the summer of 2006 rebuilding in a small town in Mississippi – Pass Christian.
Pass Christian Mississippi 2006

Myanmar was devastated by cyclone Nargis the first weekend of May. While by most accounts just fewer than 2000 people lost their lives in Katrina; Myanmar 134,000 lost their lives by recent accounts. “"I knew I'd lost my family," says Myanmar fisherman – the headline of a recent article stated.

Myanmar, Cyclone Nargis, 2008

The recent earthquake in China also killed as many as 50,000 people. The news of schools collapsing on children bothers me tremendously. Do we value our children so little that schools would be “cost effective” or in other words, poorly designed and cheaply built? The videos of parents standing by the demolished schools waiting to see or hear of a child surviving is heartbreaking – especially when you remember China’s policy of “one child” families. They lost their only child.

Sichuan Province China Earthquake, 2008

People have lost everything. I have lost nothing in comparison.

While I have lost family pets, aunts, uncles, grandparents and my father – and shed many tears – I am still blessed. I have a whole new appreciation for what God has given me – and what He hasn’t taken away.

- Craig

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